Pioneer postdoc announcement


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in pediatric cancer biology

UiB – Knowledge that shapes society

Through robust and close interaction with the world around us – globally, nationally and locally – we shall be instrumental in building a society based on knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Do you want to take part in shaping the future?

Postdoctoral Research Fellow position

Funded by a highly competitive Pioneer Grant for novel and game-changing projects.

At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Science, a full-time (100 %) position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow is available for a period of two (2) years. The position is part of the project, ”KidImmune – Autoimmune mechanisms in pediatric cancer”, financed by the Norwegian Cancer Society Pioneer Program. See for more information.

Our small, enthusiastic group consisting of Ola Myklebost, an experienced cell biologist and cancer researcher, and research fellow Anastassia Serguienko, who made the entirely novel discoveries on which this project is built, has the focus completely on this project. Our findings open up a Pandora’s box of fascinating questions that need answers. We have laid a solid foundation of clinical sample collections, proteomic data, technologies, and cell models to give the candidate a flying start.

We have access to expert in-house core facilities for genomics, proteomics, flow cytometry and advanced microscopy.

About the project/work tasks:

  • Investigations on how patient autoantibodies may influence important processes in normal and cancer cells in culture
  • Using immunohistochemistry, advanced microscopy, flow cytometry, protein chemistry, and various functional assays

Qualifications and personal qualities:

  • The applicant must hold a Norwegian PhD or an equivalent degree or have submitted the doctoral thesis prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the PhD has been awarded at the latest within 31.12.2022
  • Work independently and in a structured manner and have good ability to communicate and cooperate.
  • Proficiency in both written and oral English is required. Proficiency in Norwegian would be an advantage
  • Special requirements for the position: Project experience from mammalian molecular and cell biology is required, including cellular structure and function or advanced human immunology. Competence in excess of course experience in immunology, protein chemistry and function, advanced cell microscopy, or cancer biology would be an advantage

About the position of postdoctoral research fellow:

The position of postdoctoral research fellow is a fixed-term appointment with the primary objective of qualifying the appointee for work in top academic positions. Postdoctoral fellowships are fixed term positions. You can not be employed as a postdoctoral fellow for more than one three-year period at the same institution.

We can offer:

Your application must include:

  • A brief account of the applicant`s research interests and motivation for applying for the position
  • Transcripts and diplomas (applicants with education from other countries than Norway must enclose witnessed diplomas in both the original language and authorized translations) and documentation of submitted doctoral thesis
  • Complete list of publications
  • Publications (pdf) it is important that each of the scholarly works on which the committee should place special emphasis, is attached in its entirety
  • Two referees (name and contact information)

General information:

For further information please contact prof. Ola Myklebost, e-mail: phone: +47 55974573 / +47 90087139

The state labour force shall reflect the diversity of Norwegian society to the greatest extent possible. People with immigrant backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.

The University of Bergen applies the principle of public access to information when recruiting staff for academic positions.

Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.

Further information about our employment process can be found here.

Skrevet av

Ola Myklebost

Vokste opp på Eiksmarka og Haslum i Bærum, bodde 30 år på Trollåsen i Oppegård, bor nå på Nordnes i Bergen

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