At UiB I have two group members:
Anastassia Serguienko is a postdoc employed on a grant from the Research Council, in a collaboration with OncoImmunity to investigate the presence of neoantigens in our NosarC samples, with the aim to identify predictive markers or novel strategies for immune therapy.
Leonardo A Meza-Zepeda has a 20 % senior scientist position affiliated with the KG Jebsen Centre for Genome-directed Cancer Therapy. He is head of the Section for Core Facilities at OUS – Radiumhospitalet and an expert on cancer genomics. His project here is the genomics of the NoSarC cohort
In Oslo I have a 3% (!) affiliation with the Molecular Biology of sarcomas Group of Jørgen Wesche, where I still have one PhD student.
Tatiana Georgiesh is a PhD student cosupervised by Bodil Bjerkehagen. Her project is «Investigation of somatic mutations as diagnostic tool, malignancy grade determination and as prognostic factors in soft tissue sarcomas», funded by the grant from Krafttak mot Kreft (The Cancer Society) to NoSarC.At UiB I have two group members:
Anastassia Serguienko is a postdoc employed on a grant from the Research Council, in a collaboration with OncoImmunity to investigate the presence of neoantigens in our NosarC samples, with the aim to identify predictive markers or novel strategies for immune therapy.
Leonardo A Meza-Zepeda has a 20 % senior scientist position affiliated with the KG Jebsen Centre for Genome-directed Cancer Therapy. He is head of the Section for Core Facilities at OUS – Radiumhospitalet and an expert on cancer genomics. His project here is the genomics of the NoSarC cohort
In Oslo I have a 3% (!) affiliation with the Molecular Biology of sarcomas Group of Jørgen Wesche, where I still have one PhD student.
Tatiana Georgiesh is a PhD student cosupervised by Bodil Bjerkehagen. Her project is «Investigation of somatic mutations as diagnostic tool, malignancy grade determination and as prognostic factors in soft tissue sarcomas», funded by the grant from Krafttak mot Kreft (The Cancer Society) to NoSarC.