Publikasjoner 2016

Ballinger ML, Goode DL, Ray-Coquard I, James PA, Mitchell G, Niedermayr E, Puri A, Schiffman JD, Dite GS, Cipponi A, Maki RG, Brohl AS, Myklebost O, Stratford EW, Lorenz S, Ahn SM, Ahn JH, Kim JE, Shanley S, Beshay V, Randall L, Judson I, Seddon B, Cambell IG, Young MA, Sarin R, Blay JY, O’Donoghue SI, Thomas D (2016Novel monogenic and polygenic determinants of sarcoma risk: an international study of 1162 families Lancet Oncology 17:1261–1271 PDF

Barøy T, Chilamakuri CSR, Lorenz S, Sun J, Bruland ØS, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2016) Genome analysis of osteosarcoma progression samples identifies FGFR1 overexpression as a potential treatment target and CHM as a candidate tumor suppressor gene Plos One 11: e0163859 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0163859

Halvorsen AR, Silwal-Pandit L, Meza-Zepeda LA, Vodak D, Vu P, Sagerup C, Hovig E, Myklebost O; Børresen-Dale AL, Brustugun OT, Helland Å (2016) TP53 mutation spectrum in smokers and never smoking lung cancer patients Frontiers in Genetics 7:85.

Hanes, R., I. Grad, S. Lorenz, E. W. Stratford, E. Munthe, C. C. S. Reddy, L. A. Meza-Zepeda and O. Myklebost(2016). Amplified FRS2 identified as a target for treatment of dedifferentiated liposarcoma by genome sequencing and functional validation. Oncotarget 7:54583.

Kager L, Whelan J, Dirksen U, Hassan B, Anninga J, Bennister L, Bovée JV, Brennan B, Broto JM, Brugières L, Cleton-Jansen AM, Copland C, Dutour A, Fagioli F, Ferrari S, Fiocco M, Fleuren E, Gaspar N, Gelderblom H, Gerrand C, Gerß J, Gonzato O, van der Graaf W, Hecker-Nolting S, Herrero-Martín D, Klco-Brosius S, Kovar H, Ladenstein R, Lancia C, LeDeley MC, McCabe MG, Metzler M, Myklebost O, Nathrath M, Picci P, Potratz J, Redini F, Richter GH, Reinke D, Rutkowski P, Scotlandi K, Strauss S, Thomas D, Tirado OM, Tirode F, Vassal G, Bielack SS (2016) The ENCCA-WP7/EuroSarc/EEC/PROVABES/EURAMOS 3rd European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting/Joint Workshop of EU Bone Sarcoma Translational Research Networks; Vienna, Austria, September 24-25, 2015. Workshop Report. Clin Sarcoma Res. 16;6:3

Sandhu V, Wedge DC, Lothe IMB, Labori KJ, Dentro SC, Buanes T, Skrede ML, Dalsgaard AM, Munthe E, Myklebost O, Lingjærde OC, Børressen-Dale AL, Ikdahl T, Van Loo P, Nord S (2016) The genomic landscape of pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinoma. Cancer Research 76(17); 1–11

Våtsveen TK, Børset M, Dikic A, Tian E, Micci F, Lid AH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Coward E, Waage A, Sundan A, Kuehl WM, Holien T (2016)
VOLIN and KJON-Two novel hyperdiploid myeloma cell lines Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 55 (11), 890-901
PubMed 27311012

Publikasjoner 2015

Budin-Ljøsne I, Bentzen HB, Solbakk JH, Myklebost O (2015) Genome sequencing in research requires a new approach to consent Tidskr Nor Legeforening PDF

Chymkowitch P, Nguéa P A, Aanes H, Koehler CJ, Thiede B, Lorenz S, Meza-Zepeda LA, Klungland A, Enserink JM (2015) Sumoylation of Rap1 mediates the recruitment of TFIID to promote transcription of ribosomal protein genes Genome Res, 25 (6), 897-906 PubMed 25800674

Fernandez-Cuesta L, Sun R, Menon R, George J, Lorenz S, Meza-Zepeda LA, Peifer M, Plenker D, Heuckmann JM, Leenders F, Zander T, Dahmen I, Koker M, Schöttle J, Ullrich RT, Altmüller J, Becker C, Nürnberg P, Seidel H, Böhm D, Göke F, Ansén S, Russell PA, Wright GM, Wainer Z et al. (2015) Identification of novel fusion genes in lung cancer using breakpoint assembly of transcriptome sequencing data. Genome Biol, 16, 7 PubMed 25650807

Ju YS, Tubio JMC, Mifsud W, Fu B, Davies HR, Ramakrishna M, Li Y, Yates L, Gundem G, Tarpey PS, Behjati S, Papaemmanuil E, Martin S, Fullam A,Gerstung M, ICGC Prostate Cancer Working Group, ICGC Bone Cancer Working Group, ICGC Breast Cancer Working Group, Nangalia J, Green AR, Caldas C, Borg Å, Tutt A, Ta M, Lee M, van’t Veer LJ, Tan BKT, Aparicio S, Span PN, Martens JWM, Knappskog S, Vincent-Salomon A, Børresen-Dale AL, Eyfjörd JE, Myklebost O, Flanagan AM, Foster C, Neal DE, Cooper C, Eeles R, Lakhani SR, Desmedt C, Thomas G, Richardson AL, Purdie CA, Thompson AM, McDermott U, Yang F, Nik-Zainal S, Campbell PM, Stratton MR (2015) Frequent somatic transfer of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome of human cancer cells Genome Res 25:814-24. doi: 10.1101/gr.190470.115

Kanojia D, Nagata Y, Garg M, Lee DH, Anand MT, Christoph H, Klein HU, Said JW, Doan NB, Mohith S, Gunasekar S, Myklebost O, Yang H, Dugas M, Meza‐Zepeda LA, Silberman AW, Forscher C, Ogawa S, Koeffler HP (2015) Genomic landscape of liposarcoma Oncotarget DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.6464

Lorenz S, Barøy T, Sun J, Nome T, Vodák D, Bryne JC, Håkelien AM, Fernandez-Cuesta L, Möhlendick B, Rieder H, Szuhai K, Zaikova O, Ahlquist TC, Thomassen GOS, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA, Tarpey P, Campbell P, Flanagan A, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O (2015) Unscrambling the genomic chaos of osteosarcoma reveals recurrent rearrangements and frequent novel TP53 aberrations Oncotarget DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.6567

Myklebost O (2015) Personalized cancer therapy for soft tissue sarcomas: progress and pitfalls (Review) Personalized Medicine 12:593-602 PDF

Myklebost O (2015) Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium, a platform for research on personalized cancer medicine in a public health system. Drug Discovery Today: Special issue on Stratified Medicine doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2015.10.003

Naderi EH, Ugland H, Myklebost O, Sandnes DL, Torgersen ML, Josefsen D, Ellen Ruud E, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2015) Bone marrow stroma-derived PGE2 protects BCP-ALL cells from DNA damage-induced p53 accumulation and cell death, Mol Cancer in press doi:10.1186/s12943-014-0278-9

Rustad EH, Dai HY, Hov H, Coward E, Beisvag V, Myklebost, Ola, Nakken S, Vodak D, Meza-Zepeda LA, Hovig E,Sandvik A, Wader KF, Misund K, Sundan A, Aarset H, Waage A (2015) Clinical and biological implications of BRAF V600E mutation in multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J doi:  10.1038/bcj.2015.24

Safavi S, Järnum S, Vannas C, Udane S, Jonasson E, Tomic TT, Grundevik P, Fagman H, Hansson M, Kalender Z, Jauhiainen A, Dolatabadi S, Stratford EW, Myklebost O, Eriksson M, Stock ES, Ståhlberg A, Åman P (2015) HSP90 inhibition blocks ERBB3 and RET phosphorylation in myxoid/round cell liposarcoma and causes massive cell death in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget  PDF

Serguienko A, Grad I, Wennerstrøm AB, Meza-Zepeda LA, Thiede B, Stratford EW, Ola Myklebost O, Munthe E (2015) Metabolic reprogramming of metastatic breast cancer and melanoma by let-7a microRNA Oncotarget 6(4): 2451–2465

Publikasjoner 2014

Anninga JK, Cleton-Jansen AM, Hassan B, Amary MF, Baumhoer D, Blay JY, Brugieres L, Ferrari S, Jürgens H, Kempf-Bielack B, Kovar H, Myklebost O, Nathrath M, Picci P, Riegman P, Schilham MW, Soliman R, Stark DP, Strauss A, Sydes M, Tarpey P, Thomas D, Whelan J, Wilhelm M, Zamzam M, Gelderblom H, Bielack SS (2014Workshop Report on the 2nd Joint ENCCA/EuroSARC European Bone Sarcoma Network Meeting: Integration of Clinical Trials with Tumour BiologyClinical Sarcoma Research 4:4 PDF

Barøy T, Kresse SH, Skårn M, Stabell M, Castro R, Lauvrak S, Llombart-Bosch A, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2014Reexpression of LSAMP inhibits tumor growth in a preclinical osteosarcoma modelMolecular Cancer 13:93 doi:10.1186/1476-4598-13-93 PDF

Chilamakuri CSR, Lorenz S, Madoui MA, Vodák DA, Sun J, Hovig E, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2014Performance Comparison of four exome capturing systems for deep sequencing. BMC Genomics PDF

Garsed DW, Marshall OJ, Corbin VDA, Hsu A, di Stefano L, Schröder J, Li J, Feng ZP, Kim BW, Kowarsky M, Lansdell B, Brookwell R, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA, Holloway AJ, Pedeutour F, Choo KHA, Damore MA, Deans AJ, Papenfuss AT, Thomas DM (2014) Architecture and Evolution of a Cancer Neochromosome, Cancer Cell 26:653-667 PDF

  • Comment in Cancer Cell by Waterfall and Meltzer PDF

Håkelien AM, Bryne JC, Harstad KG, Lorenz S, Paulsen J, Sun J, Mikkelsen TS, Myklebost O, Meza Zepeda LA(2014) The regulatory landscape of osteogenic differentiationStem Cells PDF

Skårn M, Noordhuis P, Wang MY, Veuger MJT, Kresse SH, Egeland EV, Micci F, Namløs HM, Håkelien AM, Olafsrud SM, Lorenz S, Haraldsen G, Kvalheim G, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O (2014) Generation and characterisation of an immortalised human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cell lineStem Cells and Development PDF

These cells are now available commercially from Applied Biological Materials Inc

Stratford EW, Myklebost O (2014TRAP1 is a novel interaction partner of PML, localised with PML in nuclear bodies and relocating with PML to the cytoplasm following stressAnnual research and review in biology 3:36-46 PDF

Tran D, Verma K, Ward K, Diaz D, Kataria E, Torabi A, Almeida A, Malfoy B, Stratford EW, Mitchell DC, Bryan BA (2014) Functional Genomics Analysis Reveals a MYC Signature Associated with a Poor Clinical Prognosis in Liposarcomas Am J Pathol In press doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2014.11.024

Tubio JMC, Li Y, Ju YS, Martincorena I, Cooke SL, Tojo M, Gundem G, Pipinikas CP, Zamora J, Raine K, Menzies A, Roman-Garcia P, Gerstung M, Shlien A, Tarpey PS, Papaemmanuil E, Knappskog S, Van Loo P, Ramakrishna M, Davies HR, Marshall J, Wedge DC, Teague JW, Butler AP, Nik-Zainal S, Alexandrov L, Behjati S, Yates LR, Bolli N, Mudie L, Hardy C, Martin S, McLaren S, O’Meara S, Andreson E, Maddison M, Gamble S, ICGC Breast Cancer Group, ICGC Bone Cancer Group, ICGC Prostate Cancer Group, Foster C, Warren AY, Whitaker H, Brewer D, Eeles R, Cooper C, Neal D, Lynch AG, Visakorpi T, Isaacs WB, van’t Veer L, Caldas C, Desmedt C, Sotiriou C, Aparicio A, Foekens JA, Eyfjörd JE, Lakhani SR, Thomas G, Myklebost O, Span PN, Børresen-Dale AL, Richardson AL,van de Vijver M, Vincent-Salomon A, van den Eynden GG, Flanagan AM, Futreal PA, Janes SM, Bova GS, Stratton MR, McDermott U, Campbell PJ (2014Extensive transduction of non-repetitive DNA mediated by L1 retrotransposition in cancer genomes Science 345 no. 6196 DOI: 10.1126/science.1251343

Wennerström AB, Lothe IMB, Sandhu V, Kure E, Myklebost O, Munthe E (2014Generation and characterisation of novel pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenograft models and corresponding primary cell linesPLoS One 10.1371/journal.pone.0103873

Publikasjoner 2013

Behjati S, Tarpey PS, Presneau N, Pillay N, Van Loo P, Wedge DC, Cooke SL, Gudem G, Davies H, Nik-Zainal S, Gamble J, Hardy C, Latimer C, Maddison M, Martin S, McLaren S, Mudie L, O’Meara S, Robinson B, Butler A, Teague JW, Kathri B, Halai D, Myklebost O, Baumhoer D, Jundt G, Tirabosco R, Amary F, Futreal PA, Stratton MR, Campbell PJ, Flanagan AM (2013) Distinct H3F3A and H3F3B driver variants define chondroblastoma and giant cell tumour of bone Nat Genet45:1479-82. doi: 10.1038/ng.2814

Bianchini L, Birtwisle L, Saâda E, Bazin A, Long E, Roussel JF, Michiels JF, Forest F, Dani C, Myklebost O, Birtwisle-Peyrottes I, Pedeutour F. (2013) Identification of PPAP2B as a novel recurrent translocation partner gene of HMGA2 in lipomas. Genes Chromosomes Cancer doi: 10.1002/gcc.22055 PDF

Doorn J, Hugo Fernandes H, Lee B, van de Peppel J, van Leeuwen JPTM, De Vries MR, Aref Z, Quax PHA, Myklebost O, Saris D, van Blitterswijk CA, de Boer J. (2013) A small molecule approach to engineering vascularized tissue. Biomaterials  34 (12), 3053-63 PDF

Kuijjer ML, Peterse EFP, van den Akker BEWM, Briaire-de Bruijn IH, Serra M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O, Hassan AB, Hogendoorn PCW, Cleton-Jansen AM (2013) IR/IGF1R signaling as potential target for treatment of high-grade osteosarcoma BMC Cancer 13:245 doi:10.1186/1471-2407-13-245

Lauvrak SU, Munthe E, Kresse SH, Stratford EW, Namløs HM, Meza-Zepeda LA Myklebost O (2013) Functional characterization of osteosarcoma cell lines and identification of mRNAs and miRNAs associated with aggressive cancer phenotypes Br. J. Cancer in press PDF

Nome T, Thomassen GOS, Bakken AC, Bruun J, Ahlquist T, Lorenz S, Sun J, Barros-Silva JD, Myklebost O, Teixeira M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI (2013) Common fusion transcripts identified in colorectal cancer cell lines by high throughput RNA sequencing. Translational Oncology 6:546–553 PDF

Qu S, Olafsrud SM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Saatcioglu F (2013) Rapid gene expression changes in peripheral blood lymphocytes upon practice of a comprehensive yoga program PLoS One, 8 (4), e61910

Sandberg CJ, Altschuler G, Jeong J, Strømme KK, Stangeland B, Murrell W, Grasmo-Wendler UH, Myklebost O, Helseth E, Vik-Mo EO, Hide W, Langmoen IA (2013) Comparison of glioma stem cells to neural stem cells from the adult human brain identifies dysregulated Wnt- signaling and a fingerprint associated with clinical outcome Experimental Cell ResearchPDF

Schee K, Lorenz S, Worren MM, Günther CC, Holden M, Hovig E, Fodstad O, Meza-Zepeda LA, Flatmark K (2013) Deep Sequencing the MicroRNA Transcriptome in Colorectal Cancer PLoS One, 8 (6), e66165

Stratford EW
, Bostad M, Castro R, Skarpend E, Berg K, Høgset A, Myklebost O, Selbo PK (2013) Photochemical internalization of CD133-targeting immunotoxins efficiently depletes sarcoma cells with stem-like properties and reduces tumorigenicity Biochim Biophys Acta 1830:4235-43. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.04.033s

Stratford EW, Daffinrud J, Munthe E, Castro R, Waaler J, Krauss S, Myklebost O (2013) The tankyrase-specific inhibitor JW74 affects cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis and differentiation in osteosarcoma cell lines. Cancer Medicine doi:10.1002/cam4.170

Skårn M, Barøy T, Stratford EW, Myklebost O (2013) Epigenetic regulation and functional characterization of mir-142 in mesenchymal cells PLoS One  Link

Thomas D, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2013) Research in Well-Differentiated and Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma ESUN – A Periodical for the Sarcoma Community, Volume 10, Number 1 Link

Wang P, Gao1 Q, Suo Z, Munthe E, Solberg S, Ma L, Wang MY, Westerdaal NAC, Kvalheim G, Gaudernack G (2013) Identification and characterization of cells with cancer stem cell properties in human primary lung cancer cell lines PLoS One in press

Publikasjoner 2012

Bjørnstad LG, Meza TJ, Otterlei M, Olafsrud SM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Falnes PØ (2012Human ALKBH4 interacts with proteins associated with transcription PLoS One, 7 (11), e49045 PubMed 23145062

Chymkowitch P, Eldholm V, Lorenz S, Zimmermann C, Lindvall J, Bjørås M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Enserink JM (2012) Cdc28 kinase activity regulates the basal transcription machinery at a subset of genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), in press

Kresse SH, Rydbeck H, Skårn M, Namløs HM, Barragan-Polania AH, Cleton-Jansen AM, Serra M, Liestøl K, Hogendoorn PCW, Hovig, E, Myklebost;  O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2012) Integrative Analysis Reveals Relationships of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Osteosarcoma. PLoS One PDF

KuijjerML, Rydbeck H, Kresse SH, Buddingh EP, Bürger H, Myklebost O, Hogendoorn PCW, Meza-Zepeda LA, Cleton-Jansen AM (2012) Identification of osteosarcoma driver genes by integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression data Genes Chromosomes Cancer 51:696-706 PDF

Namløs H, Kresse SH, Müller CR, Henriksen J, Sæter G, Bruland Ø, Holdhus R, Bjerkehagen B, Steen VM , Myklebost O (2010) Global gene expression profiling of human osteosarcomas reveals metastasis-associated chemokine pattern Sarcoma  PDF

Namløs HM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Barøy T, Østensen IHG, Kresse SH, Kuijjer ML, Serra M, Bürger H, Cleton-Jansen AM, Myklebost O (2012) Modulation of the Osteosarcoma Expression Phenotype by MicroRNAs. PLoS One in press

Ohnstad HO, Castro R, Sun J, Heintz KM, Vassilev LT, Bjerkehagen B, Kresse SH, Meza- Zepeda LA, Myklebost O(2012) Correlation of TP53 and MDM2 genotypes with response to therapy in sarcoma Cancer PDF

Reikvam DH, Derrien M, Islam R, Erofeev A, Grcic V, Sandvik A, Gaustad P, Meza-Zepeda LA, Jahnsen FL, Smidt H, Johansen FE (2012Epithelial-microbial crosstalk in polymeric Ig receptor deficient mice
Eur J Immunol, 42 (11), 2959-70 PubMed 22865203

Skotheim RI, Meza-Zepeda LA, Hovig E, Lønning PE, Lothe RA, Myklebost O  (2012) Genomsekvensering for persontilpasset kreftbehandling,  Tidsskr. Nor. Lægeforening 132:2406-8 PDF

See editorial on the above paper

Skårn M, Namløs HM, Noordhuis P, Meng-Yu Wang, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O (2012) Adipocyte Differentiation of Immortalized Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells is Modulated by microRNA-155, microRNA-221 and microRNA-222 Stem Cells and Development  21:873-83 PDF

Stratford EW, Castro R, Daffinrud J, Skårn M, Lauvrak SU, Munthe E, Myklebost O (2012) Characterization of liposarcoma cell lines for preclinical and biological studies Sarcoma 2012 doi:10.1155/2012/148614 PDF

Thomas DM, Wilhelm M, Cleton-Jansen AM, Dirksen U, Entz-Werlé N, Gelderblom H, Hassan B, Jürgens H, Koster J, Kovar H, Lankester AC, Lewis IJ, Myklebost O, Nathrath MHM, Picci P, Whelan JS, Hogendoorn PCW, Bielack SS (2012) Workshop report on the European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting: integration of clinical trials with tumor biology. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Vol 1 In press PDF

Publikasjoner 2011

Buddingh EP, Kuijjer ML, Duim RAJ, Bürger H, Agelopoulos K, Myklebost O, Serra M, Hogendoorn PCW, Lankester AC, Cleton-Jansen AM (2011) Metastasis suppression by tumor-infiltrating macrophages in high-grade osteosarcoma. Clin Cancer Res 2011 17:2110-2119 PDF

Hjortland GO, Meza-Zepeda LA, Beiske K, Ree AH, Tveito S, Hoifodt H, Bohler PJ, Hole KH, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø, Smeland S, Hovig E (2011) Potential therapeutic targets revealed by genome-wide screening of metastatic cells: Case report BMC Cancer 11:455 PDF 

Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Machado I, Llombart-Bosch A, Myklebost O (2011) Genomic validation of preclinical xenograft models of human sarcoma reveals recurrent loss of aberrations Cancer 118: 558–570 PDF Supplementary data

Kuijjer ML, Namlos HM, Hauben EI, Machado I, Kresse SH, Serra M, Llombart-Bosch A, Hogendoorn PCW, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O, Cleton-Jansen AM (2011) mRNA expression profiles of primary high-grade central osteosarcoma are preserved in cell lines and xenografts BMC Medical Genomics, 4:66 PDF

Müller CR (2011) Novel approaches to the treatment of high-grade sarcoma. PhD Thesis, University of Oslo ISBN 978-82-8264-004-6 No 1112 PDF

Ohnstad HO, Paulsen EB, Noordhuis P, Berg M, Lothe RA, Vassilev L, Myklebost O (2011) Pharmacological interaction of the MDM2 antagnist Nutlin-3a and cytotoxic drugs in sarcoma cell lines BMC Cancer 11:211  PDF 

Stratford EW, Castro R, Wennerstrőm AB, Holm R, Munthe E, Lauvrak S, Bjerkehagen B, Myklebost O. Combined ALDH and CD133 expression defines a stem-like cancer cell population in liposarcoma xenograft Clin Sarcoma Res 1:8PDF

Publikasjoner før 2011

Publications 2010

Eide MB, Liestøl K, Lingjærde OC, Hystad M, Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda L, Myklebost O, Aamot HV, Holte H, Smeland EB, Delabie J (2010) DNA copy number alterations reveal potential for higher grade transformation in Follicular lymphoma and confirm parallel evolution of tumor cell clones. Blood doi:10.1182/blood-2010-03-272278 PDF

Henriksen J, Stabell M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Lauvrak SAU, Kassem M, Myklebost O (2010) Identification of target genes for wild type and truncated HMGA2 in mesenchymal stem-like cells BMC Cancer, 10:329 PDF 

Kresse SH, Szuhai K, Barragan-Polania A, Rydbeck H, Cleton-Jansen AM, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2010) Evaluation of high-resolution microarray platforms for genomic profiling of bone tumours BMC Research Notes 3:223 PDF 

Kresse SH, Ohnstad HO, Bjerkehagen B, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2010) DNA Copy Number Changes in Human Malignant Fibrous Histiocytomas by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation PloS One Nov 9;5:e15378 PDF

Mayordomo E, Machado I, Giner F, Kresse SH, Myklebost O, Carda C, Navarro S, Llombart-Bosch (2010) A Histopathology, immunohistochemistry and xenotransplant in Osteosarcoma: a tissue microarray study. Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology doi: 10.1097/PAI.0b013e3181daace3 PDF

Ottaviano L, Schaefer KL, Gajewski M, Huckenbeck W, Baldus S, Rogel U, Mackintosh C, de Alava E, Myklebost O, Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Serra M, Cleton-Jansen AM, Hogendoorn PCW, Buerger H, Gabbert HE, Poremba C (2010) Molecular characterization of commonly used cell lines for bone tumor research. A trans-European EuroBoNet effort. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 49:40-51 PubMed

Müller CR, Namløs H, Smeland S, Sæter G, Bjerkehagen B, Bjerner J, Holden M, Bruland Ø, Myklebost O (2010)Characterization of Treatment Response to Interferon-a in Osteosarcoma Xenografts. J Cancer Sci Ther 2:33-42 PDF

Skårn M, Namløs HM, Noordhuis P, Meng-Yu Wang, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O (2010) Adipocyte Differentiation of Immortalized Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells is Modulated by microRNA-155, microRNA-221 and microRNA-222 Stem Cells and Development PDF ahead of print

Tenstad E, Tourovskaia A, Folch A, Myklebost O, Rian E (2010) Extensive adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of patterned human mesenchymal stem cells in a microfluidic device. Lab on a Chip  DOI:10.1039/B926738G PDF see special mention Cover page 

Publications 2009

Kresse SH, Ohnstad HO, Paulsen EB, Bjerkehagen B, Szuhai K, Serra M, Schaefer K-L, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA (2009) LSAMP, a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene in human osteosarcomas identified by array comparative genomic hybridization. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 48 (8), 679-93 PubMed 19441093

Lehne G, Grasmo-Wendler UH, Berner JM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Adamsen BL, Flack A, Reiner A, Clausen OPF, Hovig E, Myklebost O (2009). Upregulation of stem cell genes in multidrug resistant K562 leukem ia cells. Leukemia Research  33 (10), 1379-85 PubMed 19394083

Revheim ME, Seierstad T, Berner JM, Bruland OS, Roe K, Ohnstad HO, Bjerkehagen B, Bach-Gansmo T. 2009. Establishment and characterization of a human gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) xenograft in athymic nude mice. Anticancer Res 29:4331-6

Våtsveen TK, Tian E, Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Gabrea A, Glebov O, Dai HY, Sundan A, Kuehl WM, Børset M (2009) OH-2, a hyperdiploid myeloma cell line without an IGH translocation, has a complex translocation juxtaposing MYC near MAFB and the IGK locus. Leukemia Research 33:1670 PubMed 19395026

Publications 2008

Kresse SH, Skårn M, Ohnstad HO, Namløs HM, Bjerkehagen B, Wang J, Myklebost O and Meza-Zepeda LA. (2008) DNA copy number changes in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors by array comparative genomic hybridization. Molecular Cancer 7:48 PDF

Larsen E, Kleppa L, Meza TJ, Meza-Zepeda LA, Rada C, Castellanos CG, Lien GF, Nesse GJ, Neuberger MS, Laerdahl JK, Doughty RW, Klungland A (2008) Early-onset lymphoma and extensive embryonic apoptosis in two domain-specific Fen1 mice mutants Cancer Res68:4571-9 PDF

Lybæk H, Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Høysæter T, Steen VM, Houge G. (2008) Array-CGH fine mapping of minor and cryptic chromosome-CGH detected genomic imbalances in 80 out of 590 patients abnormal development. Eur j Hum Genet 16:1318-28

Lyng H, Lando M, Brøvig RS, Svendsrud DH, Johansen M, Galteland E, Brustugun OT, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O, Kristensen GB, Hovig E, Stokke T (2008) GeneCount: Genome-wide calculation of absolute tumor DNA copy numbers from array CGH data Genome Biology 2008, 9:R86 PDF

Meza-Zepeda LA, Noer A, Dahl JA, Micci F, Myklebost O, Collas P (2008) High-resolution analysis of genetic stability of human adipose tissue stem cells cultured to senescence. J Cell Mol Med 12:553-63 PDF

Nakajima G, Patino-Garcia A, Bruheim S, Xi Y, San Julian M, Lecanda F, Sierrasesumaga L, Müller C, Fodstad O, Ju J(2008)
CDH11 expression is associated with survival in patients with osteosarcoma Cancer Genomics Proteomics, 5 (1), 37-42
PubMed 18359978

Roman E, Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Myklebost O, Vasstrand EN, Ibrahim SO (2008) Chromosomal aberrations in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in Norwegian and Sudanese populations by array comparative genomic hybridization. Oncol Rep 20:825-43 PDF

Varghese M, Olstorn H, Sandberg C, Vik-Mo EO, Noordhuis P, Nistér M, Berg-Johnsen J, Moe MC, Langmoen IA (2008) A comparison between stem cells from the adult human brain and from brain tumors. Neurosurgery. 2008 Dec;63(6):1022-33; discussion 1033-4

Publications 2007

Kleivi K, Lind GE, Diep CB, Meling GI, Brandal LT, Nesland JM, Myklebost O, Rognum TO, Giercksky KE, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA (2007) Gene expression profiles of primary colorectal carcinomas, liver metastases, and carcinomatoses. Molecular Cancer 6:2 PDF

Müller CR, Paulsen EB, Noordhuis P, Peudeutour F, Sæter G, Myklebost O (2007) Potential For Treatment Of Liposarcomas With The MDM2 Antagonist Nutlin-3a In J Cancer 121: 199-205 PDF

Princy Francis, Heidi Maria Namløs, Christoph Müller, Patrik Edén, Josefin Fernebro, Jeanne-Marie Berner, Bodil Bjerkehagen, Måns Åkerman, Pär-Ola Bendahl, Anna Isinger, Anders Rydholm, Ola Myklebost and Mef Nilbert (2007) Diagnostic and prognostic gene expression signatures in 177 soft tissue sarcomas: hypoxia-induced transcription profile signifies metastatic potential BMC Genomics 2007, 8:73 PDF

Cekaite L, Peng Q, Reiner A, Shahzidi S, Tveito S, Furre IE, Hovig E (2007) Mapping of oxidative stress responses of human tumor cells following photodynamic therapy using hexaminolevulinate BMC Genomics 8:273 PDF

Publications 2006

Berner JM, Müller CR, Holden M, Wang J, Hovig E, Myklebost O (2006) Sampling effects on gene expression data from a human tumor xenograft Scand J Lab Animal Science 33:17-30 PDF

Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Barragan-Polania AHB
, Bjerkehagen B, Ohnstad HO, Namløs HM, Wang J, Kristiansen BE, Myklebost O (2006) Array CGH unveils distinct DNA copy number differences between leiomyosarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumours Cancer Research 66:8984-93

Sivertsen EA, Galteland E, Mu D, Holte H, Meza-Zepeda L, Myklebost O, Patzke S, Smeland EB, Stokke T (2006) gain of chromosome 6p is an infrequent cause of increased PIM1 expression in B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Leukaemia 20:539-542

The MAQC Consortium [including Myklebost O] (2006) The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements Nature Biotech Vol 24: pp1151 – 1161

Tovar C, Rosinski J, Filipovic Z, Higgins B, Kolinsky K, Hilton H, Zhao X, Vu BT, Qing W, Packman K, Myklebost O, Heimbrook DC, Vassilev LT (2006) Small-molecule MDM2 antagonists reveal aberrant p53 signaling in cancer: implications for therapy Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:188-1893 PDF See Editorial in PNAS.

Publications 2005

Bjerkehagen B, Myklebost O (2005) Diagnostisk Molekylærbiologi: Ben- og bløtvevsvulster. Tidsskr. Nor. Lægeforening 125: 3286-9 PDF

Dietze A, Peng Q, Selbo PK, Kaalhus O, Müller C, Bown S, Berg K (2005) Enhanced photodynamic destruction of a transplantable fibrosarcoma using photochemical internalisation of gelonin. Br J Cancer 6:2004-9

Galteland E, Sivertsen EA, Svendsrud DH, Smedshammer L, Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Myklebost O, Suo Z, Mu D, Deangelis PM, Stokke T. (2006) Translocation t(14;18) and gain of chromosome 18/BCL2: effects on BCL2 expression and apoptosis in B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Leukemia 19:2313-2323

Kresse SH, Berner JM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Gregory SG, W-L Kuo, Gray JW, Forus A Myklebost O (2005) Mapping and characterisation of the amplicon near APOA2 in 1q23 in human sarcomas Mol Cancer 2005, 4:39 PDF

Lyng H, Landsverk KS, Kristiansen E, DeAngelis P, Ree AH, Myklebost O, Hovig E, Stokke T. (2005) The response of malignant B lymphocytes to ionizing radiation: mRNA expression and genotypes. Int J Cancer 115:935-42

Dahle J, Noordhuis P, Stokke T, Svendsrud DH, Kvam E (2005) Multiplex polymerase chain reaction analysis of UV-A- and UV-B-induced delayed and early mutations in V79 Chinese hamster cells Photochem Photobiol. 81:114-9

Nygaard V, Holden M, Loland A, Langaas M, Myklebost O, Hovig E (2005) Limitations of mRNA amplification from small-size cell samples BMC Genomics 6:147 PDF

Ågesen TH, Flørenes VA, Molenaar WM, Lind GE, Berner JM, Plaat BEC, Komdeur R, Myklebost O,van den Berg E, Lothe RA (2005) Expression patterns of cell cycle components in sporadic and neurofibromatosis type 1 related malignantperipheral nerve sheath tumors. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 64:74-81

Publications 2004

Cekaite L, Haug O, Myklebost O, Aldrin M, Østenstad B, Holden M, Frigessi A, Hovig E, Sioud M (2004) Analysis of the humoral immune response to immunoselected phagedisplayed peptides by a microarray-based method. Proteomics 4:2572-2582

Lyng H, Baidee A, Svendsrud DH, Hovig E, Myklebost O, Stokke T (2004) Profound influence of non-linearity in microarray scanners on gene expression ratios: Analysis and procedure for correction. BMC Genomics 5:10. PDF

Myklebost O (2004) Putting Norway on the gene-therapy map. Letter to the Editor of Nature 429:129. PDF

Nilbert M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Francis P, Berner JM, Namløs HM, Myklebost O (2004) Lessons from genetic profiling in soft tissue sarcomas. Acta Orth. Scand. 75 (Suppl 313) 35-50 PDF

Nilsson M, Meza-Zepeda L, Mertens M, Forus A, Myklebost O, Mandahl N.Chromosomal distribution of amplified chromosome 1 sequences in softtissue and bone tumors». Int J Cancer 109:363-9 PDF

Trøen G, Nygaard V, Jenssen TK, Ikonomou IM, Tierens A, Matutes E, Gruszka-Westwood A, Catovsky D, Myklebost O, Lauritzsen G, Hovig E, Delabie J (2004) Constitutive expression of the AP-1 transcription factors c-jun, junD, junB and c-fos and the marginal zone B-cell transcription factor Notch2 in splenic marginal zone lymphoma. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics in press

Wang J, Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Myklebost O (2004) M-CGH: Analysing microarray-based CGH experiments. BMC Bioinformatics 5:74 PDF

Publications 2003

Publications 2003

Andersen K, Smith-Sørensen B, Pedersen KB, Hovig E, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø, Maelandsmo GM (2003) Interferon-gamma suppresses S100A4 transcription independently of apoptosis or cell cycle arrest Br J Cancer, 88 (12), 1995-2001
PubMed 12799648

Henriksen J, Aagesen TH, Maelandsmo GM, Lothe RA, Myklebost O, Forus A (2003) Amplification and overexpression of COPS3 in osteosarcomas potentially target TP53 for proteasome-mediated degradation Oncogene, 22 (34), 5358-61
PubMed 12917637

Maire G, Forus A, Foa C, Bjerkehagen B, Mainguené C, Kresse SH, Myklebost O, Pedeutour F (2003) 11q13 alterations in two cases of hibernoma: large heterozygous deletions and rearrangement breakpoints near GARP in 11q13.5
Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 37 (4), 389-95 PubMed 12800150

Małecki J, Wesche J, Skjerpen CS, Wiedłocha A, Olsnes S (2003) Translocation of FGF-1 and FGF-2 across vesicular membranes occurs during G1-phase by a common mechanism Mol Biol Cell, 15 (2), 801-14 PubMed 14657241

Nygaard V, Løland A, Holden M, Langaas M, Rue H, Liu F, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø, Hovig E, Smith-Sørensen B (2003) Effects of mRNA amplification on gene expression ratios in cDNA experiments estimated by analysis of variance
BMC Genomics, 4 (1), 11 PubMed 12659661

Wang J, Bø TH, Jonassen I, Myklebost O, Hovig E (2003) Tumor classification and marker gene prediction by feature selection and fuzzy c-means clustering using microarray data BMC Bioinformatics, 4, 60 PubMed 14651757

Wang J, Myklebost O, Hovig E (2003) MGraph: graphical models for microarray data analysis Bioinformatics, 19 (17), 2210-1 PubMed 14630649

Publications 2002

Dickens DS, Kozielski R, Khan J, Forus A, Cripe TP (2002) Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Pediatric Sarcomas. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 5: 356-364

Jenssen TK, Langaas M, Kuo WP, Smith-Sørensen B, Myklebost O, Hovig E (2002) Analysis of repeatability in spotted cDNA microarrays. Nucl Acids Res 30:3235-3244 Pubmed

Meza-Zepeda LA, Forus A, Lygren B, Dahlberg AB, Godager LH, South A, Maren-holtz I, Lioimi M, Flørenes VA, Mælandsmo GM, Serra M, Mischke D, Nizetic D, Ragoussis I, Tarkkanen M, Nesland J, Knuutila S, Myklebost O (2002) Positional cloning identi-fies a novel cyclophilin as a candidate amplified oncogene in 1q21. Oncogene 21:2261-9Pubmed PDF

Wang J, Nygaard V, Smith-Sørensen B, Hovig E, Myklebost O (2002) MARRAY: analysing single, replicated or reversed microarray experiments. Bioinformatics 18: 1139-40 Pubmed PDF

Wang J, Delabie J, Aasheim HC, Smeland E, Myklebost O (2002) Clustering of the SOM easily reveals distinct gene expression patterns: results of a reanalysis of lymphoma study. BMC Bioinformatics 2002 3:36 Pubmed PDF

Xie Y, Skytting B, Nilsson G, Grimer RJ, Mangham CD, Fisher C, Shipley J, Bjerkehagen B, Myklebost O, Larsson O (2002) The SYT-SSX1 fusion type of synovial sarcoma is associated with increased expression of cyclin A and D1. A link between t(X;18) (p11.2; q11.2) and the cell cycle machinery. Oncogene 21: 5791-6 Pubmed PDF

Publications 2001

Forus A, Bjerkehagen B, Sirvent N, Meza-Zepeda LA, Coindre J-M, Berner J-M, Myklebost O, Pedeutour F (2001) A well-differentiated liposarcoma with a new type of chromosome 12-derived markers. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 131:13-18 Pubmed PDF

Forus A, D’Angelo A, Henriksen J, Merla G, Mælandsmo GM, Flørenes VA, Olivieri S, Bjerkehagen B, Meza-Zepeda LA, Del Vecchio Blanco F, Muller C, Sanvito F, Kononen J, Nesland JM, Fodstad Ø, Reymond A, Kallioniemi O-P, Arrigoni G, Ballabio A, Myklebost O and Zollo M (2001) Amplification and overexpression of PRUNE in human sarcomas and breast carcinomas – a possible mechanism for altering the nm23-H1 activity. Oncogene, 20:6881-6890 Pubmed PDF

Forus A, Larramendy ML, Meza-Zepeda LA, Bjerkehagen B, GodagerLH, Dahlberg AB, Knuutila S, Myklebost O(2001) Dedifferentiation of awell-differentiated liposarcoma to a highly malignant osteogenic tumouris associated with high-level amplification of 12q14-q22 and gain of1q22. Cancer genet Cytogenet 125:100-111 Pubmed PDF

Forus A, Sørlie T, Børresen-Dale A-L, Myklebost O. (2001) Mikromatriseri kreftforskning: Nå trenger vi ikke å bare lete under gatelyktene!Tidskr. Nor Lægefor. 2498-503 Awarded the journal price for bestpopular article in 2001Paper

Hovig E, Myklebost O, Aamdal S, Smeland EB (2001) Genterapi ved kreft. Tidskr. Nor Lægefor. 121 (4) 482-488Link

Lægreid A, Hovig E, Komorowski J, Forus A, Sandvik AK, Smith-Sørensen B, Beisvåg V, Kristiansen B, Nørsett K, Nygaard V, Støren O, Myklebost O. (2000) DNA mikromatrise – vindu mot tusentals gen. Tidsskr. for Biokjemi24#1:14-20

Meza-Zepeda LA, Berner J-M, Henriksen J, South AP, Pedeutour F,Dahlberg AB, Godager LH, Nizetic D, Forus A, Myklebost O (2001)Ectopic sequences from truncated HMGIC in liposarcomas are derived from various amplified chromosomal regions. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer, 31: 264-273 Pubmed PDF

Sandvik A, Støren O, Nørsett K, Børresen-Dale A-L, Lægreid A, Myklebost O (2001). Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 121: 1225-8 Link

Schutte BC, Carpten JD, Forus A, Gregory SG, Horii A, White PS (2001) Report of the sixth international workshop on human chromosome 1 mapping 2000. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 92:24-40

Norsk Kreftgenomikkonsortium

Dette er et stort, tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt mellom kreftforskere i alle norske helseregioner, med ovedmålsetning å undersøke potensialet for å bruke detaljert mutasjonsanalyse av alle gener i kreftsvulster til bedre forståelse av kreftsykdommene, bedre inndeling av pasientene, og bedre tilpassing av behandlingen.

Prosjektet har fått to store bevilgninger fra Forskningsrådet, og fullføres i år. Vi har analysert den detaljerte strukturen i mer enn 2000 prøver fra kreftpasienter med enten bryst-, ovarie-, prostata-, eller tarmkreft, eller melanom, lymfom multippelt myelom, eller sarkom.

Jeg leder konsortiet, som vil fortsette som nettverk også etter disse prosjektenes slutt, og vil søke ytterligere finansiering for nye prosjekter. NCGC (Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium) sine gamle nettsider virker dårlig nå, men på Du får god informasjon om prosjektet og dets konklusjoner ved å lese rapporten vår.

Publikasjoner før 2001

Publications 1983-2000

Sirvent N, Forus A, Lescaut W, Burel F, Benzaken S, Chazal M, Bourgeon A, Vermeesch JR, Myklebost O, Turc-Carel C, Ayraud N, Coindre JM, Pedeutour F (2000) Characterization of centromere alterations in liposarcomas Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 29:117-129 Pubmed

Simons A, Schepens M, Jeuken J, Sprenger S, van de Zande G, Bjerkehagen B, Forus A, Weibolt V, Molenaar I, van den Berg E, Myklebost O, Bridge J, Geurts van Kessel A, Suijkerbuijk R (2000) Frequent allelic loss of 9p21 (p16INK4A) and other genomic imbalances in human malignant fibruos histiocytoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 118:89-98 Pubmed

Lægreid A, Hovig E, Komorowski J, Forus A, Sandvik AK, Smith-Sørensen B, Beisvåg V, Kristiansen B, Nørsett K, Nygaard V, Støren O, Myklebost O. (2000) DNA mikromatrise – vindu mot tusentals gen. Tidsskr. for Biokjemi 24#1:14-20

Smeland E, Prydz H, Ørstavik KH, Frøland S, Aamdal S, Myklebost O, Apold J, Børresen-Dale AL, Seeberg E, Hovig E, Krokan H, Berg K, Attramadal H, Solbakk JH, Lyngstadaas A (2000) Genterapi. Status og fremtidige muligheter innen klinisk medisin. Rapport fra Senter for medisinsk metodeevaluering.

Simons A, Schepens M, Forus A, Godager L, van Asseldonk M, Myklebost O, van Kessel AG (1999) A novel chromosomal region of allelic loss, 4q32-q34, in human osteosarcomas revealed by representational difference analysis. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 26: 115-124. Pubmed

Berner J-M, Sørlie T, Mertens F, Henriksen J, Sæter G, Mandahl N, Brøgger A, Myklebost O and Lothe RA (1999) Chromosome band 9p21 is frequently altered in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors: Studies of CDKN2A and other genes of the pRB pathway. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer, 26: 151-160 Pubmed PDF

Forus A, Høifødt HK, Øverli GE, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø (1999) Sensitive fluorescent in situ hybridisation method for the characterisation of breast cancer cells in bone marrow aspirates. Mol Pathol. 52: 68-74 Pubmed

Wolf M, Tarkkanen M, Hulsebos T, Larramendy ML, Forus A, Myklebost O, Aaltonen LA, Elomaa I & Knuutila S (1999) Characterization of the 17p amplicon inhuman sarcomas – microsatellite marker analysis. International Journal of Cancer 82:329-333 Pubmed

Pedeutour F, Forus A, Coindre JM, Berner J-M, Nicolo G, Michiels J-F, Terrier P, Bailly C, Collin F, Myklebost O, Turc-Carel C (1999) Structure of the supernumerary ring and giant rod marker chromosomes in adipose tissue tumors: A study combining fluorescent in situ hybridization, comparative genomic hybridization, molecular analyses and immunohistochemistry. Genes Chromosome & Cancer, 24:30-41 Pubmed

Ree AH, Tvermyr M, Engebraaten O, Rooman M, Rosok O, Hovig E, Meza-Zepeda LA, Bruland OS, Fodstad O (1999) Expression of a novel factor in human breast cancer cells with metastatic potential. Cancer Research 59: 4675-4680.

White PS, Forus A, MatiseTC, Schutte BC, Spieker N, Stanier P, Vance JM, Gregory SG (1999) «Report of the Fifth International Workshop on Human Chromosome 1 Mapping 1999». Cytogenet Cell Genet 87: 143-71.

Myklebost O (1998) GLI gene and rhabdomyosarcoma. Nature Medicine 4:869

Myklebost O (1998) Molekylærbiologisk diagnostikk av sarkomer. Tidskr. Nor Lægefor. 118: 2188-93

Myklebost O (1998) Hindrer lov om medisinsk bruk av bioteknologi god medisinsk praksis? Tidsskrift for Biokjemi22#3:12-13

Forus A, Berner J-M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Mischke D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1998). Molecular characterisation of a novel amplicon at 1q21-q22 in human sarcomas. Br J Cancer, 78:495-503 Pubmed

Geurts van Kessel A, Simons PPF, Comtesse GP, Siepman A, Janssen I, Suijkerbuijk RF, Forus A, Pruszczynski M, Veth RPH (1998) Ring chromosomes in a malignant mesenchymoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet

Bukholm IK, Berner JM, Nesland JM, Borresen-Dale AL (1998) Expression of cyclin Ds in relation to p53 status in human breast carcinomas. Virchows Archiv 433: 223-228.

Geurts van Kessel A, dos Santos N, Simons A, de Bruijn D, Forus A, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Balemans M, Baats E, Olde Weghuis D, Suijkerbuijk RF, de Leuw B (1997) Cytogenetics and molecular genetics of bone and soft tissue tumours, Cancer Genet Cytogenet 95:67-73

Armengol G, Tarkkanen M, Virolainen M, Forus A, Valle J, Asko-Seljavaara, Elomaa I, Karaharju E, Kivioja AH, Siimes MA, Tukiainen E, Caballin MR, Myklebost O, Knuutila S. (1997) Recurrent gains of 1q, 8 and 12 in the Ewing family of tumors by cemparative genomic hybridisation. Br J Cancer 75:1403-9 Pubmed

Berner J-M, Kools PFJ, Forus A, Schoenmakers EFPM, Van de Ven WJM, Leonardo A Zepeda Meza, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O. (1997) HMGIC, the gene for an architectural transcription factor, is amplified and rearranged in a subset of human sarcomas. Oncogene 14:2935-2941 Pubmed

Wolf M, Aaltonen LA, Szymanska J, Tarkkanen M, Blomqvist C, Berner JM, Myklebost O, Knuutila S (1997) Complexity of 12q13-22 amplicon in liposarcoma: Microsatellite repeat analysis. Genes Chrom Cancer 18:66-70 Pubmed

Myklebost O (1996) First for biotech. Nature 384:208

Mælandsmo GM, Hovig E, Skrede M, Engebråten O, Flørenes VA, Myklebost O, Grigorian M, Lukanidin E, Scanlon K, Fodstad Ø (1996). Reversal of the in vivo metastatic phenotype of human tumor cells by an anti-CAPL (mts-1) ribozyme. Cancer Res 56:5490-5498 Pubmed

Berner J-M , Forus A, Kahloun AE, Meltzer PS, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O. (1996) Separate amplified regions encompassing CDK4 and MDM2 in human sarcomas. Genes Chromsome & Cancer. 17:254-259 Pubmed

Mælandsmo GM, Berner J-M, Flørenes VA, Forus A, Hovig E, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1995) Homozygous deletion frequency and expression levels of the CDKN2 gene in human sarcomas – relationship to amplification and mRNA levels of CDK4 and CCND1. Br J cancer 72:393-398 Pubmed

Forus A, Weghuis DO, Smeets D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Geurts van Kessel A (1995) Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of human sarcomas: II. Identification of novel amplicons at 6p and 17p in osteosarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 14:15-21 Pubmed

Forus A, Weghuis DO, Smeets D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Geurts van Kessel A (1995) Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of human sarcomas: I. Occurence of genomic imbalances and identification of a novel major amplicon at 1q22 in soft tissue sarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 14:8-14 Pubmed

Van Roy N, Forus A, Myklebost O, Cheng NC, Versteeg R, Speleman F. (1995) Identification of two distinct chromosome 12-derived amplification units in neuroblastoma cell line NGP. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 82:151-154 Pubmed

Kulseth MA, Krajci P, Myklebost O, Rogne S (1995) Cloning and characterization of two forms of bovine polymeric immunoglobulin receptor cDNA. DNA Cell Biol 14:251-6 Pubmed

Forus A, Kools P, Schoenmakers E, van de Ven W, Myklebost O. (1994) Long range restriction map spanning the human chromosome 12q13 breakpoint in myxoid liposarcoma. Hum Genet 94:259-264 Pubmed

Flørenes VA, Holm R, Myklebost O, Lendahl U, Fodstad Ø. (1994) Expression of the neuroectodermal intermediate filament nestin in human melanomas. Cancer Research 54:354-356 Pubmed

Suijkerbuijk RF, Olde Weghuis DEM, van den Berg M, Pedeutour F, Forus A, Myklebost O, Glier C, Turc-Carel C, Geurts van Kessel A (1994) Comparative genomic hybridization as a tool to define two distinct chromosome 12-derived amplification units in well-differentiated liposarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 9:292-295 Pubmed

Forus A, Flørenes VF, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1994). The protooncogene CHOP/GADD153, involved in growth arrest and DNA damage response, is amplified in a subset of human sarcomas. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 78:165-171 Pubmed

Flørenes V, Maelandsmo GM, Forus A, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø (1993) MDM2 gene amplification and transcript levels in human sarcomas: relationship to p53 status. JNCI 86:1297-1302 (article discussed in Editorial) Pubmed

Forus A, Flørenes V, Maelandsmo GM, Meltzer PS, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1993) Mapping of amplification units in the q13-14 region of chromosome 12 in human sarcomas: Some amplica do not include MDM2. Cell Growth and Differentiation 4:1065-70

Andreassen Å, Øyjord T, Hovig E, Holm R, Flørenes VA, Nesland J, Myklebost O, Høie J, Bruland ØS, Børresen A-L, Fodstad Ø (1993) p53 abnormalities in different subtypes of human sarcomas. Cancer Res 53:468-471

Flørenes VA, Aamdal S, Myklebost O, Mælandsmo GM, Bruland ØS, Fodstad Ø (1992) Levels of nm23 mRNA in metastatic malignat melanomas. Inverse correlation to disease progression. Cancer Res 52:6088-6091

Brzozowska A, Fries R, Womack J, Grimholt U, Myklebost O, Rogne S (1992) Isolation, sequencing and expression analysis of bovine apolipoprotein E (apoE) cDNA and chromosomal localization of the APOE locus. Mammalian Genome4:53-57

Forus A, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad Ø, Douglass EC, Myklebost O (1992) Amplification of the GLI and LRP/A2MR loci in tumor cells: Is GLI only by chance co-amplified together with another gene related to tumour progression? In Chromosome 12 aberrations in Human Solid Tumors, Eds. J. Bullerdiek & S. Bartnitzke, Springer, Heidelberg 1994, 151-161.

Forus A, Myklebost O (1992) A physical map of a 1.3 megabase region on the long arm of chromosome 12, spanning the GLI and LRP loci. Genomics 14:117-120

Maelandsmo GM, Skrede B, Blomhoff R, Myklebost O (1992) Expression analysis of the LDL-receptor related protein (LRP) during differentiation of leukemic cell lines. In «Hepatic Endocytosis» editor E Windler: 282-287

Nenseter, M.S., Gudmundsen, O., Roos, N., Maelandsmo, G., Drevon, C.A., and Berg, T (1992) Role of liver endothelial and Kupffer cells in clearing low density lipoprotein from blood in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. J Lipid Res, 33: 867-877

Skrede B, Blomhoff R, Maelandsmo GM, Ose L, Myklebost O, Norum KR (1992) Uptake of chylomicron remnant retinyl esters in human leukocytes in vivo. Eur J Clin Invest 22:229-234.

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Olving JH, Kyrkjebø HT, Jonassen R, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl TJr (1991) The Human Genes for Complement Components Six (C6) and Nine (C9) are closely linked on Chromosome 5. J Med Genet 28:587-590

Myklebost O, Rogne S, Hjermann I, Olaisen B, Prydz H (1990) Association analysis of lipid levels and apolipoprotein restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Hum Genet 86:209-214

Rogne S, Mevåg B, Gedde-Dahl TJr, Myklebost O (1990) Multiple RFLPs of the human complement component nine (C9) gene, detected by TaqI. Nucl Acids Res 18:3112

Nenseter MS, Myklebost O, Blomhoff R, Drevon CA, Nilsson A, Norum KR, Berg T (1989) Low density lipoprotein receptors in different rabbit liver cells. Biochem J 261:587-593

Myklebost O, Arheden K, Rogne S, Geurts van Kessel A, Mandahl N, Herz J, Stanley KK, Heim S, Mitelman F (1989) The gene for the human putative apoE receptor is on chromosome 12 in the segment q13-14. Genomics 5:65-69

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Stanley KK, Geurts van Kessel A (1989) The gene for human complement C9 is on chromosome 5. Genomics 5:149-152.

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Høyheim B, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl T (1989) The genes for apolipoprotein AII (APOA2) and the Duffy blood group (FY) are linked on chromosome 1 in man. Genomics 4:169-173

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Post doc opportunities

In my sarcoma project we are now analyzing the sequence of all genes in 300 pairs of normal/cancer samples, and I need a postdoc with a feeling for cancer genomics and biology, and with abilities in or interest in pursuing deep computer analysis. The plan then would be to apply for funding from UiB, the Cancer Society, the Research Council, and Helse Vest.

A background in cell and molecular biology or genetics, cancer biology or medicine, or relevant bioinformatics would be preferable, but not mandatory. Please send a CV and letter of interest to me in good time before the various deadlines.