Post doc opportunities

In my sarcoma project we are now analyzing the sequence of all genes in 300 pairs of normal/cancer samples, and I need a postdoc with a feeling for cancer genomics and biology, and with abilities in or interest in pursuing deep computer analysis. The plan then would be to apply for funding from UiB, the Cancer Society, the Research Council, and Helse Vest.

A background in cell and molecular biology or genetics, cancer biology or medicine, or relevant bioinformatics would be preferable, but not mandatory. Please send a CV and letter of interest to me in good time before the various deadlines.

Skrevet av

Ola Myklebost

Vokste opp på Eiksmarka og Haslum i Bærum, bodde 30 år på Trollåsen i Oppegård, bor nå på Nordnes i Bergen

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