Publikasjoner før 2001

Publications 1983-2000

Sirvent N, Forus A, Lescaut W, Burel F, Benzaken S, Chazal M, Bourgeon A, Vermeesch JR, Myklebost O, Turc-Carel C, Ayraud N, Coindre JM, Pedeutour F (2000) Characterization of centromere alterations in liposarcomas Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 29:117-129 Pubmed

Simons A, Schepens M, Jeuken J, Sprenger S, van de Zande G, Bjerkehagen B, Forus A, Weibolt V, Molenaar I, van den Berg E, Myklebost O, Bridge J, Geurts van Kessel A, Suijkerbuijk R (2000) Frequent allelic loss of 9p21 (p16INK4A) and other genomic imbalances in human malignant fibruos histiocytoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 118:89-98 Pubmed

Lægreid A, Hovig E, Komorowski J, Forus A, Sandvik AK, Smith-Sørensen B, Beisvåg V, Kristiansen B, Nørsett K, Nygaard V, Støren O, Myklebost O. (2000) DNA mikromatrise – vindu mot tusentals gen. Tidsskr. for Biokjemi 24#1:14-20

Smeland E, Prydz H, Ørstavik KH, Frøland S, Aamdal S, Myklebost O, Apold J, Børresen-Dale AL, Seeberg E, Hovig E, Krokan H, Berg K, Attramadal H, Solbakk JH, Lyngstadaas A (2000) Genterapi. Status og fremtidige muligheter innen klinisk medisin. Rapport fra Senter for medisinsk metodeevaluering.

Simons A, Schepens M, Forus A, Godager L, van Asseldonk M, Myklebost O, van Kessel AG (1999) A novel chromosomal region of allelic loss, 4q32-q34, in human osteosarcomas revealed by representational difference analysis. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 26: 115-124. Pubmed

Berner J-M, Sørlie T, Mertens F, Henriksen J, Sæter G, Mandahl N, Brøgger A, Myklebost O and Lothe RA (1999) Chromosome band 9p21 is frequently altered in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors: Studies of CDKN2A and other genes of the pRB pathway. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer, 26: 151-160 Pubmed PDF

Forus A, Høifødt HK, Øverli GE, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø (1999) Sensitive fluorescent in situ hybridisation method for the characterisation of breast cancer cells in bone marrow aspirates. Mol Pathol. 52: 68-74 Pubmed

Wolf M, Tarkkanen M, Hulsebos T, Larramendy ML, Forus A, Myklebost O, Aaltonen LA, Elomaa I & Knuutila S (1999) Characterization of the 17p amplicon inhuman sarcomas – microsatellite marker analysis. International Journal of Cancer 82:329-333 Pubmed

Pedeutour F, Forus A, Coindre JM, Berner J-M, Nicolo G, Michiels J-F, Terrier P, Bailly C, Collin F, Myklebost O, Turc-Carel C (1999) Structure of the supernumerary ring and giant rod marker chromosomes in adipose tissue tumors: A study combining fluorescent in situ hybridization, comparative genomic hybridization, molecular analyses and immunohistochemistry. Genes Chromosome & Cancer, 24:30-41 Pubmed

Ree AH, Tvermyr M, Engebraaten O, Rooman M, Rosok O, Hovig E, Meza-Zepeda LA, Bruland OS, Fodstad O (1999) Expression of a novel factor in human breast cancer cells with metastatic potential. Cancer Research 59: 4675-4680.

White PS, Forus A, MatiseTC, Schutte BC, Spieker N, Stanier P, Vance JM, Gregory SG (1999) «Report of the Fifth International Workshop on Human Chromosome 1 Mapping 1999». Cytogenet Cell Genet 87: 143-71.

Myklebost O (1998) GLI gene and rhabdomyosarcoma. Nature Medicine 4:869

Myklebost O (1998) Molekylærbiologisk diagnostikk av sarkomer. Tidskr. Nor Lægefor. 118: 2188-93

Myklebost O (1998) Hindrer lov om medisinsk bruk av bioteknologi god medisinsk praksis? Tidsskrift for Biokjemi22#3:12-13

Forus A, Berner J-M, Meza-Zepeda LA, Mischke D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1998). Molecular characterisation of a novel amplicon at 1q21-q22 in human sarcomas. Br J Cancer, 78:495-503 Pubmed

Geurts van Kessel A, Simons PPF, Comtesse GP, Siepman A, Janssen I, Suijkerbuijk RF, Forus A, Pruszczynski M, Veth RPH (1998) Ring chromosomes in a malignant mesenchymoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet

Bukholm IK, Berner JM, Nesland JM, Borresen-Dale AL (1998) Expression of cyclin Ds in relation to p53 status in human breast carcinomas. Virchows Archiv 433: 223-228.

Geurts van Kessel A, dos Santos N, Simons A, de Bruijn D, Forus A, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Balemans M, Baats E, Olde Weghuis D, Suijkerbuijk RF, de Leuw B (1997) Cytogenetics and molecular genetics of bone and soft tissue tumours, Cancer Genet Cytogenet 95:67-73

Armengol G, Tarkkanen M, Virolainen M, Forus A, Valle J, Asko-Seljavaara, Elomaa I, Karaharju E, Kivioja AH, Siimes MA, Tukiainen E, Caballin MR, Myklebost O, Knuutila S. (1997) Recurrent gains of 1q, 8 and 12 in the Ewing family of tumors by cemparative genomic hybridisation. Br J Cancer 75:1403-9 Pubmed

Berner J-M, Kools PFJ, Forus A, Schoenmakers EFPM, Van de Ven WJM, Leonardo A Zepeda Meza, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O. (1997) HMGIC, the gene for an architectural transcription factor, is amplified and rearranged in a subset of human sarcomas. Oncogene 14:2935-2941 Pubmed

Wolf M, Aaltonen LA, Szymanska J, Tarkkanen M, Blomqvist C, Berner JM, Myklebost O, Knuutila S (1997) Complexity of 12q13-22 amplicon in liposarcoma: Microsatellite repeat analysis. Genes Chrom Cancer 18:66-70 Pubmed

Myklebost O (1996) First for biotech. Nature 384:208

Mælandsmo GM, Hovig E, Skrede M, Engebråten O, Flørenes VA, Myklebost O, Grigorian M, Lukanidin E, Scanlon K, Fodstad Ø (1996). Reversal of the in vivo metastatic phenotype of human tumor cells by an anti-CAPL (mts-1) ribozyme. Cancer Res 56:5490-5498 Pubmed

Berner J-M , Forus A, Kahloun AE, Meltzer PS, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O. (1996) Separate amplified regions encompassing CDK4 and MDM2 in human sarcomas. Genes Chromsome & Cancer. 17:254-259 Pubmed

Mælandsmo GM, Berner J-M, Flørenes VA, Forus A, Hovig E, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1995) Homozygous deletion frequency and expression levels of the CDKN2 gene in human sarcomas – relationship to amplification and mRNA levels of CDK4 and CCND1. Br J cancer 72:393-398 Pubmed

Forus A, Weghuis DO, Smeets D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Geurts van Kessel A (1995) Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of human sarcomas: II. Identification of novel amplicons at 6p and 17p in osteosarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 14:15-21 Pubmed

Forus A, Weghuis DO, Smeets D, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O, Geurts van Kessel A (1995) Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of human sarcomas: I. Occurence of genomic imbalances and identification of a novel major amplicon at 1q22 in soft tissue sarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 14:8-14 Pubmed

Van Roy N, Forus A, Myklebost O, Cheng NC, Versteeg R, Speleman F. (1995) Identification of two distinct chromosome 12-derived amplification units in neuroblastoma cell line NGP. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 82:151-154 Pubmed

Kulseth MA, Krajci P, Myklebost O, Rogne S (1995) Cloning and characterization of two forms of bovine polymeric immunoglobulin receptor cDNA. DNA Cell Biol 14:251-6 Pubmed

Forus A, Kools P, Schoenmakers E, van de Ven W, Myklebost O. (1994) Long range restriction map spanning the human chromosome 12q13 breakpoint in myxoid liposarcoma. Hum Genet 94:259-264 Pubmed

Flørenes VA, Holm R, Myklebost O, Lendahl U, Fodstad Ø. (1994) Expression of the neuroectodermal intermediate filament nestin in human melanomas. Cancer Research 54:354-356 Pubmed

Suijkerbuijk RF, Olde Weghuis DEM, van den Berg M, Pedeutour F, Forus A, Myklebost O, Glier C, Turc-Carel C, Geurts van Kessel A (1994) Comparative genomic hybridization as a tool to define two distinct chromosome 12-derived amplification units in well-differentiated liposarcomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 9:292-295 Pubmed

Forus A, Flørenes VF, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1994). The protooncogene CHOP/GADD153, involved in growth arrest and DNA damage response, is amplified in a subset of human sarcomas. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 78:165-171 Pubmed

Flørenes V, Maelandsmo GM, Forus A, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø (1993) MDM2 gene amplification and transcript levels in human sarcomas: relationship to p53 status. JNCI 86:1297-1302 (article discussed in Editorial) Pubmed

Forus A, Flørenes V, Maelandsmo GM, Meltzer PS, Fodstad Ø, Myklebost O (1993) Mapping of amplification units in the q13-14 region of chromosome 12 in human sarcomas: Some amplica do not include MDM2. Cell Growth and Differentiation 4:1065-70

Andreassen Å, Øyjord T, Hovig E, Holm R, Flørenes VA, Nesland J, Myklebost O, Høie J, Bruland ØS, Børresen A-L, Fodstad Ø (1993) p53 abnormalities in different subtypes of human sarcomas. Cancer Res 53:468-471

Flørenes VA, Aamdal S, Myklebost O, Mælandsmo GM, Bruland ØS, Fodstad Ø (1992) Levels of nm23 mRNA in metastatic malignat melanomas. Inverse correlation to disease progression. Cancer Res 52:6088-6091

Brzozowska A, Fries R, Womack J, Grimholt U, Myklebost O, Rogne S (1992) Isolation, sequencing and expression analysis of bovine apolipoprotein E (apoE) cDNA and chromosomal localization of the APOE locus. Mammalian Genome4:53-57

Forus A, Maelandsmo GM, Fodstad Ø, Douglass EC, Myklebost O (1992) Amplification of the GLI and LRP/A2MR loci in tumor cells: Is GLI only by chance co-amplified together with another gene related to tumour progression? In Chromosome 12 aberrations in Human Solid Tumors, Eds. J. Bullerdiek & S. Bartnitzke, Springer, Heidelberg 1994, 151-161.

Forus A, Myklebost O (1992) A physical map of a 1.3 megabase region on the long arm of chromosome 12, spanning the GLI and LRP loci. Genomics 14:117-120

Maelandsmo GM, Skrede B, Blomhoff R, Myklebost O (1992) Expression analysis of the LDL-receptor related protein (LRP) during differentiation of leukemic cell lines. In «Hepatic Endocytosis» editor E Windler: 282-287

Nenseter, M.S., Gudmundsen, O., Roos, N., Maelandsmo, G., Drevon, C.A., and Berg, T (1992) Role of liver endothelial and Kupffer cells in clearing low density lipoprotein from blood in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. J Lipid Res, 33: 867-877

Skrede B, Blomhoff R, Maelandsmo GM, Ose L, Myklebost O, Norum KR (1992) Uptake of chylomicron remnant retinyl esters in human leukocytes in vivo. Eur J Clin Invest 22:229-234.

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Olving JH, Kyrkjebø HT, Jonassen R, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl TJr (1991) The Human Genes for Complement Components Six (C6) and Nine (C9) are closely linked on Chromosome 5. J Med Genet 28:587-590

Myklebost O, Rogne S, Hjermann I, Olaisen B, Prydz H (1990) Association analysis of lipid levels and apolipoprotein restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Hum Genet 86:209-214

Rogne S, Mevåg B, Gedde-Dahl TJr, Myklebost O (1990) Multiple RFLPs of the human complement component nine (C9) gene, detected by TaqI. Nucl Acids Res 18:3112

Nenseter MS, Myklebost O, Blomhoff R, Drevon CA, Nilsson A, Norum KR, Berg T (1989) Low density lipoprotein receptors in different rabbit liver cells. Biochem J 261:587-593

Myklebost O, Arheden K, Rogne S, Geurts van Kessel A, Mandahl N, Herz J, Stanley KK, Heim S, Mitelman F (1989) The gene for the human putative apoE receptor is on chromosome 12 in the segment q13-14. Genomics 5:65-69

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Stanley KK, Geurts van Kessel A (1989) The gene for human complement C9 is on chromosome 5. Genomics 5:149-152.

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Høyheim B, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl T (1989) The genes for apolipoprotein AII (APOA2) and the Duffy blood group (FY) are linked on chromosome 1 in man. Genomics 4:169-173

Herz J, Hamann U, Rogne S, Myklebost O, Gausepohl H, Stanley KK (1988) Surface location and high affinity for calcium of a 500 kDa liver membrane protein closely related to the LDL-recptor suggest a physiological role as lipoprotein receptor. EMBO J 7:4119-4127

Myklebost O, Rogne S (1988) A physical map of the apolipoprotein gene cluster on human chromosome 19. Hum Genet 78:244-247

Rogne S, Skretting G, Larsen F, Myklebost O, Mevåg B, Carlson LA, Holmquist L, Gjone E, Prydz H (1987) The isolation and characterisation of a cDNA clone for human lecithin:cholesterol acyl transferase and its use to analyse the genes in patients with LCAT deficiency and fish eye disease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 148:161-169

Myklebost O, Rogne S (1986) The gene for human apolipoprotein CI is located only 4.3 kb away from the apolipoprotein E gene on chromosome 19. Hum Genet 73:286-289

Rogne S, Myklebost O, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl T Jr, Prydz H (1986) Confirmation of the close linkage between the loci for human apolipoproteins AI and AIV by the use of a cloned cDNA probe and two restriction site polymorphisms. Hum Genet 72:68-71

Rogne S, Rønning Ø, Myklebost O, Seglen PO, Pettersen EO (1985) The role of anchorage on cell cycle traverse and protein metabolism in human NHIK 3025 cells. J Cell Physiol 125:528-32

Shaw DJ, Meredith AL, Sarfarazi M, Huson SM, Brook JD, Myklebost O, Harper PS (1985) The apolipoprotein CII gene: subchromosomal localisation and linkage to the Myotonic Dystrophy locus. Hum Genet 70:271-73

Myklebost O, Rogne S, Olaisen B, Gedde-Dahl T, Prydz H (1984) The locus for apolipoprotein CII is closely linked to the apolipoprotein E locus on chromosome 19 in man. Hum Genet 67:309-12

3. Humphries SE, Williams L, Myklebost O, Stalenhof AFH, Casparie AF, Baggia G, Galton DJ, Williamson R (1984) Familial apolipoprotein CII deficiency: a preliminary analysis of the gene defect in two independent families. Hum Genet 67:151-55

Myklebost O, Williamson R, Markham AF, Rogne S, Rogers J, Woods DE, Humphries SE (1984) The isolation and characterisation of cDNA clones for human apolipoprotein CII. J Biol Chem 259:4401-04

Humphries SE, Jowett NI, Williams L, Rees A, Vella M, Kessling A, Myklebost O, Lydon A, Seed M, Galton DJ, Williamson R (1983) A DNA polymorphism adjacent to the human apolipoprotein CII gene. Mol Biol Med 1:463-71

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Ola Myklebost

Vokste opp på Eiksmarka og Haslum i Bærum, bodde 30 år på Trollåsen i Oppegård, bor nå på Nordnes i Bergen

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