KidImmune, – immunological mechanisms in pediatric cancer

We are happy and a bit proud that we have received grants from the Cancer Society’s Pioneer program, the Childhood Cancer Society and now a generous grant from the Trond Mohn Foundation to validate our prelimiary findings together with the Centre for Translational Epidemiology (TRACE) at UiB.

Researcher, dr. Anastassia Serguienko made the initial discovery that now has developed into a very exciting project, and even attracted considerable funding without published data. She is now, together with postdoc Jeetesh Sharma, funded and working full time on the many questions remaining. More in Norwegian: Les mer om prosjektet og pionerutlysningen på kreftforeningens sider.


We now got a new 3-year grant for Anastassia from the Pediatric Cancer Association and a generous grant from the Trond Mohn Foundation for Jeetesh to work with the Centre for Translational Epidemiology (TRACE) at UiB.